Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Major Increase in Food Prices Coming says Sysco

According to the article below, the major food distributor Sysco, they are expecting a major increase in food prices and availability in the near future.


This is mostly due to the cold temperature that we had over the winter, which was devastating to crops throughout the U.S. and Mexico. This couldn't come at a worse time considering the current state of our economy and the ongoing worldwide food shortages. Due to their own internal problems, Russia, who is a large grain exporter, has all but cut off exports to feed their own people. This in turn has helped to fuel the current unrest in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and elsewhere. If the U.S. experiences the shortages that Sysco is predicting, will also have to cut down on our own exporting of grain and other food aid. This will lead to a massive world wide food shortage and famine that will dwarf the current and already dire food shortages. In addition to large scale starvation and disease on a worldwide scale, a new war for resources and food may break out and overwhelm the thin capabilities of the western powers.

If you have any plan to stock up on food to survive through the next few years, you should act quickly. If you are still debating as to whether or not you need to prepare, it is time to get off the fence and stock up quick. You may not be able to in a few months. If you wait for this news to hit the main stream media, it will be too late. Please act now, while you can.


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